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Podcast Folge #11 Trans-Interview mit Serendipidi und Jessy

Podcast episode #11 trans interview with Serendipidi and Jessy

Interview podcast with a trans woman

An absolute premiere highlight in the rubber fashion podcast: Trans woman SerendipiT talks to podcaster and life coach Jessy (personal consultation appointments with Jessy possible) about her life, her experiences and desires as a trans person. What is it like to be biologically born a man but always felt like a woman? What is it like not being able to adopt one's biological gender because it doesn't feel appropriate and real? Outsiders and non-affected people cannot always understand these emotional conflicts. Jessy was all the happier to have an intensive exchange with such a wonderful person as SerendipiT.

Best Podcasts - Interview Podcast Trans People

Trans people are part of the LGBTQI community. These abbreviations stand for English acronyms (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex) meaning people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer and/or intersex. In the interview, SerendipiT and Jessy found that in addition to all the names for a person, what matters is the nature that makes them - whatever the physical shell around this person is then formed.

Again, many thanks to SerendipiT for the trust and the friendly openness to face Jessy's personal questions about love, hope, everyday life, sexuality and physicality impartially and without judgment. An exciting and enriching podcast episode! Feel free to share the episode with your friends on social networks and comment on your opinion and impressions of the topic if you like. You are also welcome to visit the great SerendipiT on her Twitter account - of course with the necessary respect. Thank you and happy listening!

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