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Latex Geschichte - Glänzende rote Gummistiefel

Latex Story - Shiny red rubber boots

Shiny red rubber boots

It was autumn, the weather left a lot to be desired and I was cold. Actually, I didn't mind the rain at all, I actually liked it. But I didn't really like the cold today and the wind.

I made my way to the supermarket to get this shopping for the upcoming weekend. I was so cold that I even had one had put on a winter jacket. I was just completely frozen. But what It was absolutely no surprise, because it had been working for almost two days my old heater doesn't. The fitter who was supposed to come on Monday had to get a replacement part first. So it was time to continue shaking at home.

I was just sort of going through my shopping list in my head when I was completely in lost in my thoughts, didn't pay attention and stepped in a big puddle. Great, I thought, now my feet are soaking wet. I had stupidly chose the wrong shoes just because it had to be quick and the color went well with the jacket. Even though I have a large selection had at home. I grumbled angrily to myself, but I didn't care I just had to buy things quickly. But then I would quickly follow Run home to take a hot bath. The day could only get better become.

Finally arrived at the supermarket, I grabbed a shopping cart and... went into the store. I quickly found all the things I needed I was walking towards the cash register when I saw a shelf next to the cash register shiny rubber boots and rain gear. I saw black and bright red rubber boots. They shone beautifully. There were also hanging on it matching raincoats.

The few minutes no longer mattered. My feet were anyway already ice cold. At least it was warm in the store so I could still get it I took a moment to look at things. Especially the red ones I really liked rubber boots. I picked up the boots from the shelf to look for my size and to give it a little more detail to look at. I slowly stroked the rubber shaft. They felt that way smooth and the rubber was wonderfully soft. Made a pleasant feeling spreads in my stomach when I smell the scent of the rubber could. Somehow this material always triggered me. So it was worth considering whether I should try them on. But how should I? do that spontaneously? My socks were completely soaked.

I was standing there a little helpless when a young saleswoman came across me came. I had seen her here several times before. A slim woman was about my age. She had short dark hair and was attractive always very nice. She always had a smile for her customers. "Can Can I help them somehow?" she asked me. "I'm just thinking about whether I should should try on these beautiful red rubber boots. Unfortunately there is there's just one problem. I don't have any socks to try on right now. My own just got completely wet from a puddle. And to that "My feet are still ice cold."

Foot fetish with the saleswoman

Why did I just say that? As if a saleswoman would care would that I had cold feet. But the young woman just smiled at me. "Yes, the boots are really chic. We currently have sample socks "Not, but I have an idea," she said. "We have warm ones up here Socks on offer. Maybe you would like to take this? With that you could Why don't you try on the boots?! And your feet would warm up quickly. "

The cozy socks actually only cost 2 euros. That was one absolutely reasonable price. I took her. “Feel free to sit down Try it on there. I think you can use your shoes better there "Take off your clothes." She pointed to a stool that stood next to the shoe rack.

I sat down and started taking off my shoes. My wet socks stuck to my feet and my toes were ice cold. Finally I could take off the wet things. It felt good to have the new warm fluffy ones to put on socks. I massaged my feet for a moment. The The saleswoman didn't leave my side and looked at me the whole time to. I felt uncomfortable with her watching me like that. Maybe had Are you afraid that I wanted to take the boots without paying? Oh Nonsense, I shook off the thought and quickly slipped into it Boots. They fit.

Of course I had to test it first and opened it up a bit away. It wasn't unusual for me that the rubber boots were so comfortable were. At home I already had a few pairs in all sorts of colors. N/a yes, and they were chic too. They would look good in my collection make. But the best thing would be if I started it right now that I would no longer have cold, wet feet on the way home.

"Okay, I'll take them. Can I leave the socks and boots on straight away?" I asked the saleswoman. “Of course, just give it to me Price tags. "I'll take it with me to the checkout," she said and smiled.

But before I followed her to the checkout, I took one last look the matching red raincoat. The color matched the boots perfectly. I stroked the material of the coat. It was also very smooth and soft. Somehow this touch started to make my stomach feel tighter again tingle. He felt so incredibly good. Smooth clothing and rubber I just liked it, I couldn't deny that.

Rubber smell and latex fetish in the store

The inside of the coat was lined with a cozy, warm faux fur could be removed if necessary. Yes, I really liked the raincoat.

"I'll try this one on too." I took off my thick jacket and slipped into the raincoat. When I had it on and imagined myself in it Turning back and forth in the mirror, I felt incredibly comfortable. I came I just felt like the rainboot queen from Instagram and didn't think about it long. "He's coming too!" Actually, I didn't want him like that take off quickly. So I reluctantly took off his clothes and mine Winter jacket back on. But oh well, I gave it to the saleswoman.

So we went to the checkout. The saleswoman put the raincoat on tape while I draped my groceries on it and went behind the Checkout. She had the price tags for the rubber boots and the socks already held directly to scan it there. Then she scanned it Raincoat and the groceries. Now the bitter truth should come. "That's 295.50 euros, please." “Do you have another bag for them? wet socks and shoes?" "Of course." She handed me a bag into which I stuffed the wet things. I paid with my card and took the receipt. I just put it in his pocket raincoat and said goodbye. I went home quite satisfied. What a strange day it was today. This rubber made me always weak. To the annoyance of my account...

Sex games with the rubber boots and the raincoat

When I got home, I took off my boots and turned them around small radiator in the bathroom. It was time for the right heating finally worked again.

After putting all the shopping away, I hung up the raincoat and took the receipt out of his pocket. But what was that? On the There was something stuck on the back of the receipt. It was a small red piece of paper which said: "Hello. I know a very good way to warm your feet become and remain. If you're interested, I'll be happy to tell you. Maybe you'd like to have a drink with me soon? If yes, call! Lisa." There was a phone number underneath.

Had I really just received a woman's number? I was herself a woman and not at all interested in the same sex. Wanted her a date? Did I seem different to her and that's why she had me? watched all the time? It almost seemed like it. But I also felt somehow flattered. The offer still sounded non-binding and whoever wants it not having warm feet.

I made myself comfortable in a hot bathtub that evening. Even though I wasn't usually the anxious type, I had to do this Gather all my courage to dial her number. The bell rang just three times and then it was her turn. "Yes? Hello?" "Um... Here it is Jana. Am I talking to Lisa?" "Sure, I am." "Oh great. I am the Woman with cold feet." We both had to laugh. "What a secret for warm feet do you know?" "I would like to show you that," said she. "Well, I'm very excited about that." My heart was pounding, but I gathered up all my courage again and simply asked: "Do you like tomorrow come here? Or should I come to you? We can go to a bar not because of Corona. But I'll tell you straight away, it's very cold where I live. The heater is broken." I heard her laugh. "Okay, no problem! Then come to me. I don't live far away. Tomorrow evening? I have at 6:00 p.m. closing time. We could meet in front of the store." What did I do here? She was a stranger and I wasn't really into women. But somehow I found this unusual situation funny and exciting. "Okay, then I'll be happy to be surprised. See you tomorrow evening." "I I'm happy. Oh, and put on the new boots. They suit you incredibly good! See you tomorrow." "Okay, I'll do that. See you tomorrow." Then lay down we up.

Two lesbians meet for rubber sex

I put the phone aside and continued to enjoy the hot bath. I had actually arranged a date of sorts with a woman. I smiled and said to myself again: "What a crazy day!" In this night I slept very restlessly. But somehow I was looking forward to it too Evening. I would sit in a warm apartment and with a nice one Hopefully the young woman will have a nice evening. That could happen actually just be good. So I let the day go by in a relaxed manner and dressed myself in the evening in the red boots and the new red coat on the way to the supermarket, our meeting point.

She came to the entrance just as I arrived. When I saw her, I had to laugh. She also had rubber boots on. Shiny black with heel. And they looked really great.

We greeted each other and made our way to her apartment. On the way we chatted about everything. Time ran quickly and so did the journey was short.

When I came into her apartment, I immediately felt the pleasant atmosphere and warmth. I was about to take off my boots in the hallway of the apartment, as she looked at me and asked to help me. I was surprised, but let them have their way. She took off my boots. But not just that. Also my socks. "What are you doing? I immediately get cold feet. I Better put your socks back on." "Trust me. You need the socks not now. Come into the living room." She also already had bare feet. She completely confused me, but I followed her. “Take a seat. Would you like drink something too? Maybe a glass of red wine?" "Yes, gladly. Thank you very much."

Foot fetish with two hot lesbians

Lisa briefly left the room and came relatively quickly with a bottle Red wine and two glasses back. She handed me a cozy blanket. Make yourself comfortable." She smiled at me. I cuddled I just tucked myself into the blanket while she handed me a glass of wine. Right We quickly emptied the bottle and talked about everything. But the Time passed and as I did I became more relaxed and easy curious. The wine also loosened my tongue.

"Now I'm curious. What's your secret for warm feet?" "You want to know exactly? Then you should find out too! I'll show you you. I'll be right back." She got a small bag and a towel from the next room. Then Lisa sat down right across from me and asked me to place my feet in her lap on the cloth. I did it without anything questioned because I was so endlessly curious and slightly tipsy. Finally Lisa told me to close my eyes and enjoy. I did it.

What came next was surprising. She started oiling my feet. She massaged every single toe and both soles of her feet extensively. I kept my eyes closed and enjoyed the warmth and massage. But then she did something even more unexpected. She lifted one foot at a time and pulled something over my toes. I opened my eyes and looked up my feet. She had put rubber toe socks on me.

Foot massage with latex toe socks

“I saw you in the store rubbing the rubber on the boots and how you took a deep breath. It was immediately clear to me that you are addicted to rubber like me! That's why I thought that we Maybe we should have some fun in rubber together. The cold feet were just a small excuse. What do you say?" She looked at me questioningly. She continued to massage and her eyes looked at me challenging. It made me a little insecure that she knew that I was into rubber. But for some reason I liked the idea to spend the evening with her in rubber. Again I felt this Tingle in the belly. "I don't really know. I don't really know either what kind of fun are you talking about?" My heart beat faster. I I had an idea of ​​what she meant, but did I really want that? I had none Idea.

"Will you come with me next door? I can show you better there." She I put normal socks on over the rubber socks. "So you don't tell me slips."

Then she pulled me up and I followed her into the next room.

The sexy fitting of a latex catsuit

What I saw clearly showed that my assumption was correct had. This room looked like a small latex boutique sold. Various catsuits, skirts, Leggings and rain gear. Next to them were a number of boots, high heels, Rubber boots and some accessories. I still had a selection like that never seen in anyone's home. I was kind of a little confused and didn't know what to say.

"Have you ever worn a latex catsuit? One of these would suit you Looks great!" She showed me a dark gray one with a zipper in front and in the crotch. "Would you like to put it on? I think we have them Same size." I took a closer look at him. He was really beautiful. But apart from rubber boots and rain gear, I've never had anything to wear Rubber tightened. I thought for a moment and then said: "Yes, why not. Where Can I change?" Lisa laughed. "Right here. But I think I I'll probably have to help you." She came very close to me and looked deeply at me in the eyes. "May I?" She slid her hands under my sweater and pulled him up to me. I raised my arms so they could take it off me could. Then she unbuttoned my pants and pulled them down. She knelt in front of me and helped me slip off my pant legs. That's how it stood I'm just in panties, bra and socks in front of her. "If you do too If you want to take it off, you'll feel the rubber a little more intensely." You stroked my shoulders and simply unhooked the bra. "Come on, leave you fall. It will be good for you." She knelt in front of me again and pulled my panties off. I stood there stark naked, only in socks. It was me a little embarrassing at first. I had never been with a woman before and the fact that this was about to happen made me nervous.

She took the gray catsuit off the hanger and rubbed it against her bare skin of my back. I involuntarily closed my eyes. It felt heavenly. She came really close and touched me everywhere with it. dash with it over my breasts and also over my lap. It excited me tremendously. Lisa just smiled. "Come on, put it on now!" I got in the Suit and Lisa helped me put it on properly. Then it closed slowly the zipper. "Wow, you look so awesome and hot in that. Wait, You should wear your boots with that." She disappeared briefly and came quickly back with my boots and coat. "Just put on the cozy socks off, but leave the toe socks on. I'll do the fur for a moment while I'm at it out of the coat, then you can wear it with it." "Okay, gladly. The Surely looks good."

While I was getting into the boots she had removed the fake fur and held it out for me to slip into, which I gladly did.

A red latex mask and hot latex gloves

Lisa stood in front of me and zipped it up. She examined me, stroked my coat and then said: "Hmm, that's missing "One more little thing to complete the outfit." "And that would be?" I asked, becoming more and more curious.

She took something red rubber out of a drawer. "Do you know what that is? here?" I picked it up and recognized it. It was a mask and gloves. "A mask? What am I supposed to do with it?" "Jana, you should test it. I love the feeling myself. And it will look good on you. Come Come on, I'll put them on you. Please sit on the stool there." I sat down. "Well, if I'm going to test this out, then right." Lisa stood behind me. She took the mask and pulled it off sent over my head. It fit perfectly, even if it was unusual was for me. I stroked my head and felt how smooth it was.

My goodness, what a situation.

This situation was new to me and yes, it all really turned me on. Actually, I was rather dominant and I never wanted to take that away from me let. Or is it? No, I thought, making one in my head Plan.

Just as I was momentarily occupied with my thoughts, she began to put on the red gloves too. They were oily from the inside, so that I slipped into each finger without any problems. Now was mine whole body covered in latex. It felt great and the combination with the red coat and the shiny rubber boots great." "And what about you Lisa? Don't you want me something too? Show rubber on you?" I challenged her with my gaze. Yes, me I had to admit it, I was hot for a woman for the first time! And me would now show her who is in charge here.

The latex dominatrix and the submissive rubber slave

Lisa grinned cheekily at me and then came very close to me. “You have to call me for that First take off your clothes!”

I stood up and touched her shoulders. I looked deep into her Eyes and before we knew it we were kissing passionately and casual. I slid my rubber fingers under her shirt and pulled it off her over the head. She wasn't wearing a bra. I saw her small, firm breasts boldly protruded. They literally invited me to touch them and pinch in. I did it . Lisa moaned slightly when she heard it felt pressure from my rubber fingers. I could clearly see that it excited her recognize. I had to laugh. "You like that, don't you? Then I want to Look what else!" I unzipped her pants and pulled them straight down. I knelt in front of her to help her out of her pants legs. From this position, I had direct view and access to her lap. I stroked up her bare legs and lingered briefly on hers thighs. Then I pushed her legs apart a little. I knew, that she was expecting something else, but I just kissed the inside briefly her thighs. Looking up I asked her, "Do you want something more than that? that?" I withdrew from her and stood up. I took a black cat from her stand and held it out to her. "Put this on." I took out of hers Drawer a matching mask, gloves and a few adjacent ones Rubber boots with heels. "And this too!" Lisa did. At first I was She had been rather uncertain and she was in charge, but now the tide had turned changed. I decided how our game continued. Now I wanted it know and enjoy it completely.

The hot commands of the rubber woman

I watched her get dressed. When Lisa was finished, she really saw hot out. I stood behind her in front of the mirror.

I started stroking her. Cuddled up to her. My raincoat rustled as I moved. "Do whatever you want with me," breathed she. That's exactly what I would do now.

I caressed her round bottom through the thin latex and turned her gently around. We stood in front of each other and I clearly felt that I now could do anything I wanted.

"Show me your bedroom. I want to be more comfortable with you." Lisa smiled, walked ahead and led me into the room. She had a big one Metal bed covered with a thick bedspread. Perfect, because Then oil, sweat and other things wouldn't do much damage to the bedding turn off. Gently but firmly, I laid her on the bed.

The first time rubber sex with another woman

I looked at her for a moment. Now I would for the first time in Love a woman in my life and in rubber too. It was crazy but it also made me incredibly hot.

I pushed her legs apart a little and knelt between them. I slowly opened the raincoat. I sweat. The smell of latex, Sweat and excitement spread throughout the room. Lisa closed it Eyes as I lay on her and tongued her lips traced. She opened her mouth a little to allow our tongues could play with each other. While we are with full passion kissed, our hands wandered over each other's rubber bodies. The rubber boots rubbed against each other, just like our bodies. It was wonderfully exciting. I slid a little lower to touch her breasts to caress lips. She willingly leaned her upper body towards me. Only I was too happy to accept the offer. Her hands caressed my mask. Now or never I thought. I slid even lower and kissed hers Lap. I slowly opened the zipper there. I took off my coat and placed it over her eyes. "You should just feel and enjoy, Don't watch!"

She moaned when she felt my breath where it was clearly present Excitement shone. This bitch was holding on to the bed rail with her hands firmly and stretched towards me. The way I judged her, she had Certainly handcuffs in her rubber room. "Stay like that. I'll be right away back!" I left her there and went into the next room again. I didn't have to look long there. Found it right in the first drawer I have some with a small chain in between. I took that with me, just like that a few other toys.

BDSM sex between two lesbians with rubber boots

Back in the bedroom I saw her still lying there obediently. I didn't wait long and tied her hands to the bed. She started before Excitement to tremble. I stroked her great boots. They were smooth and shiny. Just great. I slowly climbed into her room again Bed. From now on she wouldn't forget the evening either.

I smiled to myself and let my latex fingers do the work begin. My tongue began to play with her center of pleasure. It became more and more passionate and we loved each other in everything imaginable ways that I could think of. This sweet rubber slut belonged today myself, and I enjoyed it all night long. Drink in between We had some wine and enjoyed the rubber to the fullest again and again. After After several hours of pleasure we took a shower together and then went in Bliss of falling asleep together.

This story would definitely be more than just one Become a one-night stand. It was simply too hot for that. And cold ones I no longer had feet either. Thanks to the great, shiny red Rubber boots.

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