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Ratgeber: Was finden Frauen an Männern sexy?

Guide: What do women find sexy in men?

Well, dear men, are you wondering what women find really sexy about you? Is it your good looks, the cool style or the latex pants? Or is it the latex slip or the fetish clothing in hot moments?

Anything is possible, but a recent study shows that 95% of all women prefer a reliable and warm-hearted partner. Character traits such as loyalty, feeling and openness were also among the attributes mentioned. Interestingly, a majority of women also find independence appealing in men.

What do women find sexy in men?

Before you now demonize your receding hairline or your tummy, realize that many female beings are not concerned with that. You don't need to be an Adonis. You don't need to have a steel body. You don't need to have tons of money either. None of this makes you or your partner happy in the long run. It's true that inner values ​​ultimately determine who we're attracted to and who we're not.

It is important that you appear as natural as possible and do not play masquerade or assume roles that do not suit you and would be fibbed. Women don't like that at all and quickly run away. Honesty towards yourself and others is therefore one of the most important factors. But what else is sexy?

What's sexy in a man?

Jessy, our Rubberfashion life coach, has listed her personal hit list of what makes a man attractive and what behaviors he can use to seduce a woman. Enjoy listening to the podcast, in which she talks in detail about the topic and gives you the best tips for improving your chances of flirting. With Jessy you will become an absolute woman understander and will most likely not be rejected by the ladies.

1.) Blush

We women love it when we realize that we are affecting a man and he blushes because of us. This flatters us and makes our heart beat faster. Don't be embarrassed about blushing, because we don't desire pompous men, but men who weaken in our presence.

2.) Admit your insecurity

Do you nervously run your hands through your hair or straighten your shirt sleeves for the third time and think your chosen one will find that repulsive? Absolutely not, quite the opposite. When we women manage to create insecurity in you, of course in a beautiful way, that pleases us and melts our hearts. Women like men who own their insecurities and don't hide or cover them up. And - pssst - we're just as excited about the date as you are.

3.) Allow weakness

You made a mistake, stuttered something or noticed that there is a stain on your jacket? No problem, you are welcome to stand by it and take it with humor. That lightens the mood before it could become tense. Women love men who smile about their weaknesses and admit mistakes. That makes you very likeable in our perception.

4.) Find and maintain eye contact

Yes, dear men, this is not a cliché! We really like it when you adore us with your eyes and look into our eyes. So you also show your strength of character if you don't avoid our gaze and sink into it for a moment. It is not for nothing that the eyes are the gateway to the soul.

Please don't close yourself off and are happy to give us this insight into your emotional world. Just make sure you don't stare or take your eyes off us. Because that in turn becomes uncomfortable for us very quickly, and you have little chance of getting to know each other better.

5.) Ask questions about everyday life

First of all: At this point, it is not meant that you subject us to an interrogation after two messages or on the first date and ask for the whole CV. But we think it's quite good if you address loving and interested questions to us that affect our day and our well-being. It should NOT be about sex, nor should it contain dirty innuendos.

So no "Honey, what were you up to today? Did you try the new latex sex toy?", but "Darling, how was work today? Did you have a pleasant day without stress or do you want to talk about something that's on your mind? ". In this way you arouse our guaranteed interest and we start to think more about you.

6.) Pay attention

Nothing compares and gives us a greater gift than your attention in the form of sweet messages, listening, having time for us, on the phone... Of course, a bouquet of flowers or any other commercial gift is beautiful, but our spirit, our being and ours You reach heart by giving us some of your time and including us in your daily routine. Here a selfie, there a picture of the hobby, maybe a joke in between or a nice video.

This is how you can conquer us. In addition, we feel so complete as a woman, a wonderful feeling. Courting a woman when she wants it is something unique and doesn't fail to have an impact. You shouldn't be there all the time and annoy us, but disappearing for a week without explanation tends to make us distance ourselves from a potential dating partner.

7.) Offer to help

Chivalry hasn't gone out of style these days, even though you might feel like it. Your willingness to help is also not in conflict with our emancipative. Both can be combined wonderfully, there doesn't have to be a "battle of the sexes". It's more about small gestures than big material purchases.

A link that will help us if we have a problem. An address where we may be able to get help. An acquaintance that we can call and get advice on an issue. These little things can have a big effect on us women, because we are guaranteed to remember for a long time who was there for us and who helped us in times of need to take care of ourselves.

Great qualities in men

Jessy has now given you great tips on how you can be attractive to women and what we might find great about men. Keep in mind, though, that while we love actors in the cinema, we certainly don't love them in real life (or even on social media).

Always be sincere and honest, try to be natural and yourself, then we will find you to be authentic, appealing and most likely attractive. Because we don't want to be made fun of and become victims of bad games. Just as you don't want it yourself.

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