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Blogartikel: Schamgefühle vs. BDSM Fetischismus?

Blog Article: Shame vs. BDSM Fetishism?

Do feelings of shame and disgust trigger prejudice and resentment? towards fetishism?

Each of us carries them within us, they have been with each of us for a long time – what is meant are feelings of shame and disgust that are already present in the shape a person's early childhood development. This forming process takes place through the upbringing and example of the caregivers. A small child naively grabs a spider and feasts on it fast crawling or unusual appearance. Mostly up to that Time until a familiar person screams for the first time leaves and drives the spider away in a rush and panic. The child is watching the corresponding behavior and draws conclusions from it. Restlessness and fear can mean danger, as can excitement Adults also provide confirmation for the child – the spider can only do one thing be bad. The life wisdom gained is passed on to the child abstracted. In most cases this takes care of this unfiltered and From now on you will probably also be met with rejection by a spider. The Ease and, above all, inexperience in dealing with facts diminishes more and more with increasing age.

This mechanism of human learning is innate and in us deeply rooted in our genetic makeup. In itself this is The learning process is necessary for survival and can also be found in animals. So the young learns which other animals pose a danger or something else Threatening things lurk and how they can survive. Basically that's how it is in humans. A child is warned about heights so as not to fall; before Fire so as not to burn yourself and, above all, for the sake of many others to ensure.

Shame is learned

This is how the child learns, little by little, to find their way in the world is becoming increasingly autonomous. The role model behavior that it can follow simply gives the child orientation. Only from about five years old The teaching of developmental psychology assumes that a child in the Ability to independently assess dangers and respond appropriately react. By then, a large part of the formation had already taken place Feelings of shame and disgust were created in the brain. So many phobias finds its origins in early childhood.

The feeling of disgust is also a recognized protective mechanism of the body often the driver of instincts. Even outside of education and Cultivation is present to prevent disease and damage to the body prevent. This is one of the reasons for the urge to vomit when eating spoiled food. Our sensory receptors play an important role in recognition and Categorization of what is good for us and what is harmful to us could. In this respect, a person's sensory impressions are closely related to him Interwoven with feelings of disgust and shame.

A similar situation occurs when dealing with personal hygiene and Dirt. Awareness of one's own nudity also develops in this early phase of child development. The perception of the People in the social and cultural environment and how they deal with their nakedness body, whether it comes with a naturalness or something Indecent things are very important for this. Likewise, it shows in the Taking meals or staying in nature, as with Dirt caused by leftover food or mud and dirt while playing is handled.

Is the child allowed to get dirty or is it forbidden?

How do the people you trust react to the smeared cheeks and that? muddy knees? Based on these reactions, this is gradually formed very own image in dealing with cleanliness and the associated issues Values.

“With a clean face you can see a lot nicer!”

“Only uncouth people have dirty clothes Children!"

“If you don’t get dirty, you are you’re already a big child!”

Such succinct statements go very deep and touch our hearts subconscious and usually anchor themselves there for everything else Life. These roots shape our entire value system and have usually also have a significant influence on how we act as parents and what principles we pass on to our children. Mainly Without thinking about it, these sentences shape our later behavior adulthood.

Dealing with these experiences and influences from our childhood and youth are given great importance and obviously form one Symbiosis with responsibility and mindfulness in the practice in the area of Fetishism and forms of sexual play such as BDSM.

What is in fetishism and submission through game variants or Humiliation techniques were encouraged, often reverberate for a long time forms an important basis for discussions about aftercare. The effect of the Initiating these deep psychological layers in the character of a person People are usually very strong and the impact of them is sometimes not directly. Experiences can be almost similar to the tunnel games Degradation or confrontation with disgust and shame and yourself only show days or weeks later. Not to misjudge this dynamic and to keep an eye on the bond and contact with the sub to disturb, interrupt or even lose is characterized as elementary core in togetherness. Therefore, a well-founded one would be Basis of trust before games with feelings of shame and disgust a good if not even a recommended starting point. This form of It plays into the cards to treat each other well in advance if possible get to know each other and also seek active communication. This also applies here the leading part, with all his efforts, cannot read minds either if he has known the part to be led for a long time.

The submissive person would be advised not to be embarrassed and Giving feedback about your own feelings so that you can set the course You are in a good position right from the start and nothing goes wrong. Deemed it makes sense for the leading part to extend beyond the stated limits step, it can have its own stimulus, but this should Challenges are carried out very closely with those involved who are to be led. Such intense moments can take your connection to a new level, but at the same time destroy a lot of the beautiful things between you. Once Broken trust is difficult to mend; this would be a good thought, which is certainly worth taking to heart.

Fetish play plays a special role here body fluids.

Playing with these can be special and exciting because... Ways that are deemed inappropriate are sought out and that is sometimes what makes it so attraction of it. Bodily fluids are almost always available and a great gift of nature. Because these are often waste products of our body, there is a natural fear of it understandable and even biologically predetermined. In this context would like to be reminded again that body secretions cause diseases can be transferred and therefore such practice can only be carried out completely health of all those involved can be exercised. Also a urinary tract infection or a fungal infection should not be done with mutual respect be kept secret.

BDSM party with a sense of shame

Within the spectrum of diversity of body fluids, feces, also called caviar, play an exceptional role. Allegedly Many of us have experienced this as babies with our own excrement played. The consistency and the smell as well as the tactile perception and last but not least, the horrified scream of the caregiver when he noticed it ensure that a toddler may find this very amusing. At Adults can approach and guide this very intimate area cause a variety of reactions - mind you, from both partners. Not only the one who actively comes into contact with feces, but also the part who observes the handling of it and is part of it or the caviar will not remain unaffected by Kotplaying. It seems advisable Before dealing with feces and other body waste find out how these occur physically, for example in the air or in Connection with (body) heat behavior. Also checking possible ones physical effects and side effects in interaction with Materials like latex or leather can prove to be very useful and helpful prove.

Also with other breakdown products of the body such as urine Called pee, it's basically no different. Sub agrees Maybe you'd like to be peed in your mouth, but you'd like to In the meantime, don't get your precious leather collar soaked in it. As well Experimenting with blood or period blood promises some people contain surprise. Dyed sheets are probably less of an issue a joy, because the protein it contains can only be eaten with a lot Wash out and remove residue completely at hot temperatures. Therefore take it Maybe first take the valuable satin sheet from the bed and cover it Instead, it is better to use a specially made base Example of a lacquer bed sheet.

In addition to the organizational preparations, there is a joint discussion extremely important above all activities. The part to be led with it “ambush”, to suddenly spit in his face or even that to confront the controlling part with the wish that he should be big or Both parties can carry out small business on subs' bodies create moments of consternation. The unexpected can be very exciting. In the area of ​​fetish play with bodily fluids there would be a certain However, caution in your approach is probably more of an advantage and advisable These practices almost always affect hidden feelings of shame and disgust.

At this point it should also be mentioned that of course the dominant part can at any time reject practices that express his disgust and cross boundaries of shame.

In this regard, he is generally not obliged to agree to everything, what sub wants from him. This emerging expectation, which is sometimes found in people's minds, can be the dominant one Put some pressure on the part in a very unpleasant way. Only when both are completely together If we agree and agree with one another, we can have wonderful things together Horizons and bonds grow.

Another area that comes into play is the multi-faceted World of lovers and fetishists of olfactory stimuli. This Terminology means that the sensory perceptions of the sense of smell be the focus. What makes a person feel absolutely disgusted can, in turn, lead to unexpected joys for the other person. The The meaning of the word “stinking” is mostly subjective in its interpretation. Worn clothing, dirty shoes, body secretions and their Scent development outside the body, playing with food – that The colorful unity of the fetish lives from its individuality and tolerance. Not everyone has to think every fetish is great, but live and let live should be the top motto in cooperation within and outside the community be.

Kinky BDSM and fetishism

A fetish tends to develop in adolescence, but it can also only arise in adulthood or already in childhood. In this During the teenage years, sexual thinking is formed and formed Orientations, strengthened by experiences and experiences. The Real awareness of an internalized fetish occurs many times only in adulthood, in which this then leads to moments of happiness, but can also lead to major conflicts of conscience. Many people are suffering under the pressure of social conventions and fear social ones exclusion, they would publicly convey their inclinations. This Concern is completely understandable, because not every fetish is to date socially accepted. A person who would like to take on the role of one Adult babies hatching can be met with more contempt than one People who adore high heels. This is the case with fetish materials phenomenon can also be found. A man who likes to wear latex clothing will more laughed at than a dominatrix in a wetlook catsuit. It should be in the Don't think of a classification of chic and hip fetishes and frowned upon and give to outlaws. Everyone is completely entitled to something for themselves to personally evaluate as good or bad, but the practice of Respect and tolerance in relation to the legal fetish of a counterpart is one of the attributes of humanity and would be wonderful, this Attitude would be cultivated by each of us. Especially in the BDSM scene in which sometimes frightening intolerance between each other prevails.

Now the delivery can be related to visual or olfactory stimuli be a delightful component of humiliation units once sub smell your sweaty feet, your own or a gift Have to look at and perhaps touch your necessities. Depending on the individual However, it can also be pleasant and exciting for a sub to be with to experiment with their excrement or their own body odor.

Personal interactions are also often fraught with feelings of shame with nudity.

There are many interpretations of this, but just go through it completely naked Strolling to the supermarket would probably affect every one of us in some way affect. Apart from the fact that this would be a criminal offense, because We'd rather not cause public nuisance. It doesn't show anyone It's good form to force your own sexuality on people who aren't involved, let alone because minors could also unexpectedly become witnesses. This Scenario should be avoided. Sessions with nudity in Connection with the public requires a very special sensitivity of the dominant part and very careful thinking in the execution in advance.

The illusion is to be implied in the part to be led when it goes to Example of a concrete pillar near a street without clothing is fixed, but it can be assumed that the drivers not really seeing them because of the speed. Also walks with pet playing in the forest finds its dirt paths that don't become hotspots belong, but play with the uncertainty that it could be a cyclist or hikers spontaneously come around the bend in the path. All these situations There is one core idea: being naked in public shines being something forbidden or breaking a taboo. A whole range of Fetishes use this wicked activity to achieve exhibitionism nourish.

BDSM public and feelings of shame

Regardless of the public, very simple moments can lead to that fetish sites and/or BDSMers can feel ashamed. The supposed one The naturalness of spreading your legs, for example, or choking during an intense deepthroat. Even if thoughtless flatulence This can be the case if you need to make yourself heard or suddenly burp up cause blushing, especially in the early stages of a get-together and on both sides, mind you. A lack of erection due to overwhelming feelings or a physical flaw that is perceived as a flaw Features such as a scar can often cause feelings of shame are often kept secret due to the high embarrassment factor. It is precisely these fine nuances that need to be recognized and taken into account when working together to address all things openly and casually. About such completely normal ones Simply laughing at events can be very relaxing and de-stressing be.

The focus is very much on the individual's self-image.

Women sometimes tend to have crazy self-perception and find various parts of the body inherently unfavorable in terms of condition and Shape. But it's not just them. The perfect body is becoming nowadays almost assuming, at least that is the opinion of many minds. Honestly, who can answer the question? what is considered perfect and above all, who wants perfection? perfection usually also means that something is finished and no longer works can develop further. How boring is that?

Feelings of shame and disgust can go hand in hand with taboos, but they must not. Taboos can form and form from these, but this process do not necessarily go hand in hand. The probability is However, it is very close that there is a connection between shame and feelings of disgust and taboos. That's why fetishism also plays a role Dealing with taboos and breaking taboos plays a major role.

The maledom and the latex slave with his shame

Juggling with the illicit, breaking taboos, the supposedly disgusting and Power imbalance is at the heart of humiliation and can therefore touch these types of feelings in the submissive part. This can be popular Being ordered to do disgusting things like eating food food lying on the floor or kissing shoes. The confrontation with feelings of disgust conveys feelings of power to the person giving the command and elevates them an existing gradient is sometimes more or less desirable. The submissive Part undergoes humiliation because the dominant part wants it that way and applies. Of course, this humiliation is desired by both sides and wanted and given to both parties involved and in group constellations Pleasure and satisfaction for all people. Any non-consensual Acts of humiliation would be a criminal offense and an absolute no-go.

How can these actions lead to ecstasy?

Like a fetish, it can also involve feelings of shame and disgust behave. They can cause emotional distress to their owners let the person exercise self-criticism about themselves.

On the other hand, scientific studies show that living through and Overcoming a situation filled with shame and exercising one with disgust documented action in the body causes a rush of adrenaline and other messenger substances trigger that, from a neurobiological point of view, put us in a kind of euphoria. The blood pulsates faster thanks to the hormone cocktail veins. The entire body suddenly becomes excited and tense offset. This practice of breaking taboos and defeating them Feelings of shame can lead to intense satisfaction and immense insight lead.

Have you ever wallowed like a pig in the dirt? Or yours Defecation during anal penetration? Or your warm urine Felt running down your thighs after a full bladder?

Playing with feelings of shame and disgust can add to your wealth of experience wonderful and very stimulating sensory experiences. Also the to consciously control and feel internal body functions and the Alternating between tension and relaxation can be very exciting if you want and can fully commit to it. How Would it be a soothing enema with warm water? Quite It is important to be informed about such sexual practices health risks to prevent accidents. Nobody wants one Alcohol poisoning or being present or causing it because at champagne was used instead of water in an enema. take intestinal walls Don't forget to put fabrics on! Also internal burns from being too hot Enemas should be avoided at all costs. But back to the main topic.

Have you ever been under the gaze of onlookers? Have you been asked to relieve yourself? You already have once given embarrassing orders or was a (public) Is displaying your nudity part of the session?

These approaches take a psychological look at the deepest aspects levels of consciousness. Both with the submissive part and with the Juggling with feelings of shame and disgust can be dominant associated taboos and the initiated border crossings to significant and leading to valuable knowledge and insights. And therefore more perfect Satisfaction through grounding yourself.

In addition to the mere sensual experience, which is often perceived as beautiful can be facing your own fears, insecurities and imposed ones Taboos imply an enormous appeal. With yourself to deal with it and to take a path that is unknown and can often be feared; for these reasons alone this path can be perceived as fulfilling and, so to speak, instructive, regardless of an outcome that is rated as positive. How enjoyable it can be be there when the dominant part has the ability and willingness to Taking the path registered with his submissive part and giving him the happiness Wants to give self-experience, implements his seeing. On the one hand, it can humiliation sessions physical stimulation are gained, on the other hand, there is a very strong mental value hidden in it.

Soft bondage and BDSM extreme with a sense of shame

These fetish game moments can represent a certain risk and require absolutely solid, mutual trust. Perhaps Such playing styles are not suitable as games for them Getting to know each other, including exceptions of course? Who knows. But Fetish moments are able to elevate the lived submission into spheres that can let you find each other even more and your mutual The band will probably strengthen even more. Please don't forget the close-meshed exchange. Then you can with a clear conscience and full of anticipation the exciting and shimmering terrain of playing Feelings of shame and disgust.

Whether you would like to take this path as a couple or with Involvement of several people is at your discretion and the Freedom of choice for each of you. Keep this in mind when making variations several people involved knew that unexpected events would happen can lead to things that you didn't see coming beforehand. The pros and To calmly consider your further course of action, in order to feel comfortable with the result of the analysis. A credo for all parties. Whether fetishists or BDSM enthusiasts.

As with all practices and techniques of fetishism and BDSM The motto here too: What my (playing) partner doesn't want and rejects, will not take place either. All other approaches would be one criminally relevant assault. The acceptance of personal taboos is an essential part of respectful cooperation. It is totally okay that you have them and are an important part of what you, your submission and your fetishism.

We are not in a sporting competition, whatever taboos are frowned upon and a sign of weakness. Please always show yourself Eyes: Honesty and authenticity please and honor your counterpart yourselves, so to speak. This essential foundation forms the basis every interaction with feelings of shame and disgust as well as any other sexual agreement, of course also outside the world of BDSM and Fetishism.

Free BDSM and fetishism without feelings of shame

People also change over the years and therefore also within them a common connection. What may be unpleasant feelings at the beginning triggered and was tainted with shame and disgust or was defined as taboo, can happen after five years of a relationship, after three months or even things will look very different next week. Tendencies and agreements show how important a regular exchange of conversations is, because such essential content is not even expressed and therefore for always set in stone.

No, they can and may change again. A spontaneous one Changing the mood of what is being held within a game situation occur and is not to be equated with shame and fickleness. Some things is only experienced and processed through active action and can be done in theory cannot be fully recorded and assessed beforehand. Raises in one Don't blame your counterpart or prepare for such a moment this one even has a bad conscience.

Instead, praise the willingness to try and be willing Attempt.

Sometimes a situation that is perceived as unpleasant can occur some time later be described as happy. Do not stuff yourself unnecessarily and wastefully no time to sow doubts, because in the worst case they can... Hidden things smolder and gradually weigh down the climate among each other or even poison.

Try to be truthful and relaxed with your feelings of shame and disgust to deal with the associated, perhaps existing taboos, then it will be really good. Promised!

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