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Der Rubberfashion-Adventskalender - spannende Türchen zu öffnen!

The Rubberfashion Advent Calendar - exciting doors to open!

Welcome to the Rubberfashion Advent Calendar!

Every day during Advent we will surprise you with an audio, the topic of which will not be revealed in detail in advance and which can cover a wide variety of topics.

Open the door on 01.12.2024 :

Open the door on December 2nd, 2024:

Open the door on December 3rd, 2024:

Open the door on December 4, 2024:

Open the door on December 5, 2024:

Opening of the weekend Advent calendar doors (06.12. + 07.12. + 08.12.2024):

Open the door on December 9, 2024:

Open the Advent calendar doors on December 10th + 11th + 12th, 2024:

Click here to see the Advent calendar doors for December 13th + 14th + 15th, 2024:

Click here to go to the Advent calendar door for December 16th + 17th + 18th, 2024:

All I can say is that it always concerns hot and exciting areas from our exclusive range and the fetish and BDSM life. Are you excited to see what we have come up with?


Then don't miss a single date until December 24th and treat yourself to an exciting audio and a visit to our website every day.

By the way, don't forget to stock up on Christmas presents in time, because it'll be Christmas Eve again in no time. And if you're not into Christmas: everyone is happy to receive a great present at any time!


Have fun listening and shopping and feel free to share our Advent calendar with your friends!

Your Rubberfashion team

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